Jenkon Log In Issues:
If you’re having issues logging in, here’s a few things to try that seem to be working for some:
1-Try a computer, not a phone
2-We’ve been finding that a lot of people are remembering their username wrong and so it’s been a lot of user error as they try to log in – cause they’re typing the wrong thing.
3-MAKE SURE you’re using your correct username from the old system but the temporary password from the email
4-Do not cut and paste the password, actually type it in – we’ve had many try and cut and paste and it’s adding an extra space.
5-Try entering your username in all caps if lowercase doesn’t work. TINAOSCAR
Try your first initial and last name as your username – like I might be TOscar
Try adding a . Between your first and last name – Tina.Oscar
If you never created a username, try your consultant ID
Clear your cache & browser history, then close the browser and open a new one.
Try another browser (ie., if you’re in safari, try chrome, or edge or firefox)
Last, if none of those things work Contact Customer Care – don’t blow up the groups or your Directors inbox until you’ve done everything AND contacted Customer Care.
I know I’m fun to talk to 🤣, but there’s a LOT of you and my notifications are lit up like a Christmas tree & I’m gonna need lots of WINE to survive this! 🤣. I’m happy to help, but work through the list first, then call customer care, then come to me if that doesn’t work & I’ll try.