It’s a NEW YEAR and it might be time for a NEW YOU!

The new year is always a great time to take inventory of your life.  Count up your blessing first, because no matter what has transpired in your life, if you look hard you can find something positive that has come from your challenges and disappointments.  As children we are filled with dreams…have you lost your ability to dream?  I want to encourage you to take a few minutes and do exactly that.

  • If time and money were not an option, what are some things that you would like to do?  We typically call this a bucket list.  Maybe there’s a trip you’ve always dreamed of taking?  Write down a few things you’d like to do.
  • What are some things you’d like to have?  Maybe it’s new furniture.  Maybe it’s a new car. Maybe it’s a place of your own.  Write it down.
  • What are some things you’d like to be?  Maybe it’s to become debt free.  Maybe you have a dream of a different career, but you’ve put off doing that.
  • What are some things you’d like to give?  Perhaps you’d love to give time to a non-profit, but your current life schedule doesn’t allow that. Or maybe you want to be able to “give” your kids or grandkids a private education or a college education.

These are just some thought starters…look into your heart and ask yourself what’s on your list.  Now WHY am I asking you to do this?  Because TUPPERWARE may be the vehicle to make these dreams come true.  To be completely transparent, TUPPERWARE isn’t magic.  But it is a vehicle to create the opportunities for you to do anything you dream of.  For example…

  • Maybe a vacation fund is not in your family budget.  What if you held one party a week, and saved the profits.  You could amass at least $5000 in one year just by doing this.
  • New furniture?  a few months of partying could make that come true.  A new car?  Your monthly profits could easily make a car payment.  Or, you could decide to work for one for free!  A new house?  Profits could pay off debt, to make that attainable.  Or you could save it for your downpayment/closing costs.
  • No money for school?  Again…tuition money is easily earned.  Needing to “buy time” so you can go back to school or volunteer.  The profits from a few parties could allow you to cut back your work hours or hire help.

How do I know that all of this is possible.  Because even though I joined Tupperware for the discount and an outlet, all of the things I’ve mentioned above have become a reality for me.  EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.  And guess what?  I am no different than YOU.

There is one thing that IS different…I had to change my mindset from a hobbyist to a business.  Initially I adopted the attitude that I had to invest time in learning.  Much like going to college, where people invest 2-4 years or more in order to get what they want, I invested time in learning.  Today, it is so much easier, because we have so much training available online.  The difference is, I learned while I earned…and I didn’t rack up school loans.

So now…go back and look at the list of things you’ve written down.  How badly do you want them?  Are you willing to do something different to get them?  I hope so.  Because if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

Start today by putting the upcoming training into your calendar and making it a priority.  Not something you’ll do if you remember, or if you don’t have something else to do. But something you commit to doing.  Like college, if you sign up and never show up, things don’t work out well.  But like college, if you show up, you’ll go up!  Invest in YOU!  Because YOU deserve it!

thumbnail of January Calendar