One of the benefits of Tupperware is that YOU get to sign your own paycheck!  Truly…it is up to you to determine now many hours you wan to invest in your side gig.!  That differs from most other retail jobs in that you would only get the number of hours they give you.  Sometimes that might be too much.  And sometimes that might be not enough.  Since I’ve been making a living at Tupperware for nearly 40 years, here’s a few tips that I’d like to share with you.

  1. HAVE A STRONG COMPELLING WHY.  What do you want to be, do, have or give?  Do you want to BE debt-free?  Use that as your goal.  Do you want to take a vacation? Use that as a goal.  Do you want to HAVE new furniture, a car, a remodel…use that as your goal.  Or perhaps you want to be able to GIVE to a non-profit.  Or GIVE your kids a private education. Use that as your goal
  2. CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE.  Do you have a victim mentality?  In other words, do you feel you can only be successful based on what others do?  Welcome to the world of commerce.  All business depend on customers.  Fortunately Tupperware gives us wonderful promotion.  It’s up to you to WORK them.  Do you feel like customers and hosts are doing you a favor?  We are bringing a quality product to them that will save then time, money, space, taste and waste,  People NEED this.  Everyone is looking to save time and money.  Everyone needs more space.  And who doesn’t like good food?  Our hosts are receiving incredible products for FREE.  Where else can you get FREE just for taking your friends and relatives with you?  No store that I know of.
  3. A WRITTEN CALENDAR IS A MUST.  I know that we live in the world of technology.  I’m all about that.  But…your calendar is not just about keeping track of appointments.  It’s about planning your business.
  4. HAVE AN INCOME GOAL.  How much do you want or need to earn each week? Use that as a guide to determine how many parties you need to hold weekly.  Each month (usually by the end of the 2nd week) you should start mapping out the following month.  What other commitments do you have?  What time slots can you fill with a party?  Once you’ve got the slots in your written calendar, you can begin to fill them
  5. SET A DAILY CONTACT GOAL.  Don’t get so tied up up in how many yeses and no’s you will get.  You WILL get more NO’s than Yeses.  Instead, set a goal to make 5-10 connected contacts a day.  You can squeeze those in around all the other things that you have to do in life.  One here.  One there.  The secret is to keep a list of who you need to contact, so when you have 5 minutes you can just pull out the list.