Want to DATE MORE PARTIES? 🤩🎉 I believe the KEY to dating Parties is displaying and demonstrating the exclusive host gift specials! People date parties to get FREE what is exclusive and cannot be purchased! Order your Samples TODAY! To see all available samples see the MY SAMPLES button in order entry screen for YOUR available samples! Order ALL together and get it all for $8 shipping!🤩👏👏Yes you MAX our shipping at $8 bucks! ***Samples count towards STAYING ACTIVE – earning Weekly Awards – Confident Start levels (including paying off your kit!) AND they help us all make our goals and sell these at a higher profit – or stock our own kitchens with a deeper discount!****

NEED to know MORE about sampling? READ THE DETAILS below and take action today! You receive SALES CREDIT too!!! Thank you Tupperware! Take advantage of them all with only $8 for shipping. When you are placing your sampling order – you need to start a NON-PARTY, CONSULTANT ORDER. FYI! Just ordering your Sampling on one order page… No other products… Shipping will max out at $8.00 no matter what the retail value is as long as it is over $80!! Thank you Tupperware!! If you add your flyers/catalogs/other business aid items to the order it will only add the $2.75 minimum shipping to the $8.00 for unlimited sample products order. Samples shipping fee: $1-$50 = $5.00 $50.01-$80 = 10% of the retail products $80.01 or more = $8 (max)