Monday Night Lives: Weekly Training and recognition in our Facebook group.  Join us live to win Prizes! ZOOM

Register for door prize drawings

June 1st Monday Night Live

June 8th Monday Night Live 

June 15th Monday Night Live

June 22nd Monday Night Live:


Perks & Possibilities: Designed for Consultants and Managers, this ZOOM is for those that want information on how to grow an income using Tupperware as a part or full time business vs a hobby.


Register to reserve your spot

June 2nd Perks & Possibilities

June 4th Perks & Possibilities

June 11th Perks & Possibilites 


Virtual Cooking class:  Invite your guests to attend where they will see multiple recipes prepared by Legacy team members.  Use this as a party! ZOOM

Register to reserve your spot

June 4th Virtual Cooking Class 

June 11th Virtual Cooking Class ‎

June 18th Virtual Cooking Class

June 25th Virtual Cooking Class ‎


Talk 2me Tuesday: Held as a Facebook live in our private group, includes cooking, business information and Q&A Facebook


Company Facebook Parties:  Held in a private facebook group, this is ideal for those that want to learn AND earn at the same time.  You must sign up in advance to participate. RSVP ins our facebook group and I will reach out to you to help you set things up.


Virtual Keno! Held in our new Game Night Group.  Invite your guest to join us for a night of fun and games.  They register using this link, but participate on ZOOM




TupChat: Invite your customers to hear the facts about joining our team.  Whether they want to save money or make money, this 30 minutes is for them!  ZOOM

No registration is required.  Just share the zoom link with prospective new consultants and then join the zoom

Sat May 30 2:30pm HT/ 5:30pm PT/ 6:30pm MT/ 7:30pm CT/8:30pm ET

Tue Jun 2 noon HT/ 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/6pm ET

Thu Jun 4 3:30pm HT/ 6:30pm PT/ 7:30pm MT/ 8:30pm CT/9:30pm ET

Thu Jun 11 7:30pm HT/ 9:30pm PT/ 10:30pm MT

Sat Jun 13 2:30pm HT/ 5:30pm PT/ 6:30pm MT/ 7:30pm CT/8:30pm ET

Thu Jun 18 3:30pm HT/ 6:30pm PT/ 7:30pm MT/ 8:30pm CT/9:30pm ET

Thu Jun 25 7:30pm HT/ 9:30pm PT/ 10:30pm MT