Tuesday we have two opportunities for you to learn and earn! If you are new, I would encourage you to invite 10 people to join one of these events, so you can accumulate $500 in sales by Wednesday night and qualify for your Lasagna Pan. If you feel like there’s not enough time, consider this: people know more what they are doing within the next several hours than they know 2 weeks from now! Right? Both events will include, Food, Fun and Games!
The first event is at 2pm HT/5pmPT/6pmMT/7pmCT/8pmET
We will be making Portuguese Bean Soup in the Pressure Cooker. Register here: https://www.legacypartysales.com/events/august-25th-virtual-cooking-class-portuguese-bean-soup-pressure-cooker/
The second event is at 7pmHt/10pmPT/11pmMT
The theme is “Death by Chocolate”. YUM! Register here:
Both events are held on ZOOM