Below is the training shared by Traci Fernandez
These are some of the tools and capabilities to adapt and THRIVE in this new world through Social Media:
1.  There are so many tips and ways to succeed in social media marketing. 1st create your goals and a plan that’s going to work for you. As with any goals you create, write them down and post them somewhere that you will see every single day. Use the SMART framework.  They should be specific common measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. Base your goals on metrics that will have a real impact on your business. For example, aim to acquire new representatives customers, hostesses and customers or raise your conversion rate rather than simply racking up likes.
2.  Decide which platforms you will use? Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Zoom or other video communication, etc.?
3.  How are you communicating and building relationships? Communication is so important and key! Keep a list of contacts to work off of. Since face-to-face is very limited I have found that video chatting through Zoom, Facebook messenger video, Android video, Google Meet and Duo video, etc. Also telephone is next effective.  Then of course there is text, private message (PM), direct message (DM through Instagram), email and snail mail. Never underestimate the power of mailing through United States Post Office, and/or the program told us about Also a program to look into subscribing to is EZ texing to save tons of time sending mass texts.
4.  Know and expand your audience.  Evaluate your current customers, hosts and representatives. Get a picture of who they are. Then look for ways to reach more people just like them.  For some statistics as of July 2019, US Internet users whose most recent fashion purchase was inspired by social media browsing by generation Gen. X ages 14-24 is 55%, millennials ages 25-34 is 50%, Gen. X ages 35-54 is 30% and Baby Boomers ages 55 and above is 27.5%. These numbers have skyrocketed for sure!
5. Use the right tools. What party will work for you? Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, text, TupperConnect and/or in-home if you are able to do this. Create a plan of action on what you are going to do in your party. Even though we are virtual now, we still need to hold our party as much as possible like the real party. That’s the experience that people want and are known to l❤ve! There are so many tools to help you enhance this. What I’ve found that I’ve had to learn and are still learning is Facebook, if that’s the route you are going to go, CinchShare and TuppSocial to schedule Party and social media posts, Canva, PowerPoint, Dropbox, Word and Excell.
6.  Post great content that offers value consistently focusing on quality versus quantity. Do not only pitch and sell. Did you know that more than half of millennials and Gen Z internet users said that their most recent fashion buys were based on images they saw on social media?
7. Have an effective and sensible social media calendar. I just learned that the highest traffic on Facebook and other social media is on Wednesdays. Best times are between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Next is on Thursdays. Because our close out is on Wednesdays, I would suggest the best time to go live would be every Thursday. This way you’ll be able to share all of the new promotions for our customers and, hosts and representatives.  Don’t be afraid to go Live. Move past the fear and just do it!  Imagine if even 20% of us at l
Legacy Party Sales went live and/or shared a video every Thursday. Oh my gosh. This would make a huge difference in all of our businesses!
8.  Make sure you have your Tupperware website, a TupperConnect link open for yourself at all times, offer a party and/or our amaaaaazing opportunity to everyone that asks to order from you and of course  a TupperConnect link for each of your hosts/hostesses.
9. Have a Mystery Host Party every month With one condition that the host has to post a picture of all of the gifts that they received once the order comes in period
10.  Monitor and respond to all relevant social media conversations. There’s more to social engagement than responding to people who post comments or questions questions on your social properties. No the happenings about your business elsewhere online and respond where appropriate. This is called social listening.
11.  Make sure you schedule social media time in your calendar to schedule your posts automatically.  Also implement in your schedule the time needed to Complete your host checklist Complete your host checklist.
12.  Create a plan for you and then execute to recreate yourself so you can take back control of your own future and become the leader, the role model and the success story you’ve always wanted to be deep down.  Take the time to learn and d grow through our/Legacy Party Sales trainings,, Tupperware Social Media, website Google, etc. to study Social Media Tips for business, watch videos on YouTube, read books, listen to Podcasts, etc. There’s so much to learn and it is really amaaaaazing!
13. Lastly but most importantly is have FUN, l❤ve what you do AND Dream BIG, Start Small and Begin Now because quoted by Tina Oscar (not Henry Ford… 🤣 lol!) “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!”