We are inviting all Sales Force to go live in groups throughout the day, so keep an eye out for your email.
If you do not receive the email, the password to log in to MyOffice.Tupperware.com is the same for everyone in a group, so anyone else in your team or Company who received the email can share the password with you. Your username is the same you had used to log into my.Tupperware.com (or if you had never done so, your 11-digit Tupperware/Consultant ID).
Reminder: With this transition, sales weeks, as well as Host and consumer offers, will close on Wednesdays at the same time for all Sales Force: 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (NOT your local time)
If you’d like to watch or re-watch some of the training videos, here are the links(they are also accessible through your MyWeek).
WARRANTY PROCESS IN JENKON: As an update, the voucher process for warranty replacement at Go Live will be available on your personal website and for placing as personal orders. It will take roughly 2 weeks post GoLive for the voucher feature to be able to be used on a party order. This means that if someone has a warranty at a party, you will not be able to use the voucher on their party order until the feature becomes live mid-May. Please find the below videos in English, to begin walking your teams through the new Warranty process in Jenkon:
Warranty Replacement: How can you get a Voucher?
– Warranty Replacement: How can you use a Voucher at GoLive?