Keno is next week!  

What is Keno?  It’s an opportunity to see a demonstration, a virtual party flow and play a game to win prizes.  Best of all you can invite guests and hosts and turn it into an income producing activity.  it’s time to start now, lining up your guests!  Here’s some words to say when inviting:

Hi Susie

My Tupperware team is hosting a fun event on June 8th. It’s a time to see what’s new in Tupperware, learn a new recipe or two and win some prizes!  Best of all it’s FREE!  You can participate as a guest or you can invite 3 or more friends and use it as a super easy party.  Whatcha think?

If they say no…”no worries…just know you are welcome any time”

If they say yes…”Awesome…we have two different times to choose from: ___ or ___.  Which one would work best?  Ok..we need to get you registered.  I’ll invite you to the group.  Can you think of a couple friends to invite?”

Here’s the link to invite to the group: