About Us




Welcome to Legacy Party Sales…One of the fastest growing companies in Tupperware!

Legacy Party Sales is comprised of Tupperware Business Leaders, Tina & Chris Oscar, and our awesome Directors, Managers and Consultants.  Together, we are truly making a difference for families all across the country!

Let me take you back to the beginning!  My Tupperware journey began on Oahu as a military spouse living with my family on Schofield Barracks.   As a stay at home mom with two toddlers, I was looking for an outlet and a way to fill my kitchen with Tupperware, without dipping into our family budget. I had NO IDEA what a gift this opportunity was going to be!

As a one car family, we needed a second vehicle.  The opportunity to earn one through Tupperware inspired me to take my hobby and turn it into a business.  In just a few months, I was leading a team of consultants, earning an executive income and driving that company car, with the lease payment, insurance, registration and tires all PAID BY TUPPERWARE!

Within one year, we had saved enough money to buy our very first home in Mililani, Hawaii.  The unlimited income opportunity, the car and the flexibility led me to the decision to NOT return to the “regular” workforce when our kids entered school.  I became a MOM-prenuer!

Loving Hawaii and the business, my husband Chris decided to leave active duty to partner with me in our Tupperware business.  Shortly thereafter we were offered an opportunity to lead a company in Florida.  We relocated with our family to Pensacola, Florida and began our new Tupperware adventure.

We left many friends and our hearts in Hawaii, so in 2015 when Tupperware again asked us to relocate and lead a company back in Hawaii, we SAID YES!  We could not wait to with this awesome team  to insure the “Legacy of Aloha” is spread not only throughout the islands, but all over the mainland.  Everyone needs a little Aloha in their life, right?  Today our business has expanded tremendously.  We have a large group of our team members in Las Vegas (aka the 9th island), as well as in about 20 other states.  Our systems allow us to support team members no matter where they live!

Our family has enjoyed many benefits through our Tupperware business. A flexible work schedule, great incentive trips to amazing locations, no car payments for years, with an income that has allowed us to educate our children and invest in our future.  What I am most proud of is the lasting impact the business has had on our children, now adults. They’ve learned solid work ethics, goal setting and time management skills, the importance of a positive attitude and how to balance a successful career with a family.  Personally, I have developed from a shy, insecure young Mom into a confident, independent business owner.  Knowing what this business has done for our family, I’m passionate about helping other young Moms start their journey.

To me, it’s not just about what you “get”, but what you can “become”.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!
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Tina & Chris Oscar
Executive Elite Business Leaders

Party With Us


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Income opportunity for our business builders