Diane Okubo, Two Star Director

Name: Diane Okubo

Team name: Tropical Hoku Pals

Date Joined: Feb 1983

Family Info: Soba (Furbaby)

Where you live:   Kuli’ou’ou and Mo’ili’ili

 Career before becoming a Tupperware Director: Administrative Officer at University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

 Top reason you joined Tupperware: I joined Tupperware because a client (when I was working as an accountant) asked me to sell Mary Kay. I declined because I thought their make-up was too conservative for me. She then asked if I would help a friend and consider Tupperware. I went to several rallies to see what it was about. As a favor to my client I signed up, thought I’d stay for a few months and make about $50/month since I was not really interested in the income. That was 34 years ago.

What is your “passion”: My passion is to share faster and healthier cooking options with consumers at my microwave cooking class parties. I like creating and converting recipes so they can be prepared in the microwave in less time than on the stove or in the oven.

On the business side, I love sharing the opportunity with new team members and watch them blossom and grow. There is nothing more enjoyable than watching team members achieving levels of success that they never dreamed of.