Just a heads up that our sales month ends THIS WEDNESDAY, April 24th at 11:59pmET, 10:59pmCT, 9:59pmMT, 8:59pm PT, 5:59pmHT.  I know it seems early to be ending the month, but we always close on the last Wednesday of a month, and since April only has 30 days, it falls early this year.  Please check your numbers!!!




New Consultants that joined February-April, you are in the Ready, Set, Activate Program.  You need to hit your monthly numbers by Wednesday to earn your gifts!

February Recruits:


March Recruits


April Recruits


Our consistency program rewards those that submit $250+ for three consecutive months with an exclusive gift.  You can only be in one program at a time.  Once you complete, you start the new program.

Feb-Mar-Apr (this is your last month! Finish and the start in May working for your Cast Iron Coquette)


Mar-Apr-May (submit $250 to stay on pace.  Once you complete this you will start working for the Cast Iron Coquette). On Pace means you have your $250 for this month and need to complete $250+ in May


Apr-May-June (submit $250 to stay in the program!) On pace means that you have your $250 for April, and will need $250 in May and in June to earn your Coquette


Two week challenge.  Submit $500 April 11-24 to earn this 15pc set.  Great for your personal kitchen, or use them as auction or booking gifts for your parties!

Monthly challenges

Submit $1500+ to earn your cash bonus!


The CONSTELLATION OF STARS Program recognizes those that achieve $1500+ every month Jan-Jun!  Congratulations to Debbie Tandal!  Two more months!

How you finish April will determine how you are paid in May!  Step up to Manager by Wednesday to get a pay raise in May!

Need ideas to pull in sales?  Check out this Facebook post with tips: https://www.facebook.com/groups/legacypartysales/posts/1816486568501611/